On the Never-ending Road

There is a romantic idealism towards vagabonding, bumming around, moving along trodden and untread roads in perpetuity.  I want to say we have all dreamt of it at times, but I can’t say with any certainty that’s true. I am, after all, one of the people who dreams this dream and am consequently perhaps a… Continue reading On the Never-ending Road

Categorized as Blogs, Travel

Going Above the Grid

I’m deleting my social media in the next few months. I’ve grown tired of being reachable. I imagine that this is a somewhat relatable feeling these days. Personally, it was a combination of embracing my introversion during the pandemic years and the necessary fact of being constantly reachable by virtue of being perpetually online that… Continue reading Going Above the Grid

Categorized as Blogs

The End

In some amount of time, I will be finishing my university experience. As it stands, I do not intend to continue in academia for some time. I have the same regret now that I did my very first day of school, which is that I wish I cared more about my studies. It’s interesting, it’s… Continue reading The End

Categorized as Blogs